torsdag 2. februar 2012

Foucault, "What is an author?"

Foucault, "What is an author?"

Some advanced vobaulary from the 1969 lecture-turned-essay on authorship.

Find the best synonym/definition of the following words:

  1. Scansion

  2. A mountaineer
    An art-work of exquisite beauty
    A bar-room brawl
    A metrical pattern of a poem
    An outlier on a boat

  3. Exegesis

  4. An exposition of a particular topic
    An explanation or critical interpretation
    A detailed explication of a meaning
    An expression of earnest opposition or protest
    A cathartic experience

  5. Antecede

  6. To come before
    To come after
    To come in between
    To point back
    To bring forth

  7. Immanence

  8. The state of being outside a domain
    The result of transcending a domain
    The state of being aligned with a spiritual plane
    The state of being within a domain
    The state of being without a domain

  9. Effacement

  10. A withdrawal, an obliteration
    A courageous feat
    A proving of strenght
    An embarrassing defeat
    A belittlement, a malicious charge

  11. Concomitant

  12. Deliberate, purposeful
    Disconnected, detached
    Integral, pertinent
    Extraneous, inappropriate
    Simultaneous, concurrent

  13. Expound

  14. To grieve
    To protest
    To declare
    To affirm
    To console

  15. Scission

  16. The act of sifting
    The act of dividing
    The act of listing
    The act of siphoning
    The act of conjoining

  17. Licit

  18. Illegal

  19. Expiate

  20. To cast out an evil spirit
    To invoke evil, to incantate
    To hold a religious ceremony
    To avert evil by religious ceremony
    To perform magic

lørdag 28. januar 2012

From Song of Myself, Walt Whitman I

Song of myself, Walt Whitman I

Challenging vocabulary, from the 1881 (I assume) and final edition of the poem (plus one from The Slave's Dream, by Longfellow).

What is the best definition of/synonym to the word ...

  1. Abeyance

  2. A state of misfortune or affliction
    An assertion, a strong declaration
    Temporary cessation or suspension
    A state or condition markedly different from the norm
    The state of being vexed or irritated

  3. Loafe

  4. To skulk
    To move in a slouching manner
    To be dormant or inactive
    To spend time idly
    To keep quiet

  5. Eddy

  6. Gliding or dropping of water
    Circular motion in water; whirlpool
    Small brook or stream
    Inflowing; the place of inflowing
    Slow and gradual overflow

  7. Fetter

  8. A chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner
    A cousin once removed
    A newborn baby's bed
    A swift, witty retort
    An illicit lover, either male or female

  9. Entretied

  10. Circumlocuted

  11. Kelson

  12. A clique that shares common interests or activities
    Skin redness from sunburn or chemical irritation
    An act of sailing; a voyage or excursion in a sailing vessel
    A newborn baby's bed
    A basic structural unit; a reinforcing timber bolted to the keel of a ship

  13. Gauze

  14. A band-aid
    A very thin, transparent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton
    An intent or persevering stare
    A superficial wound or abrasion
    A lowering in rank, character, condition

  15. Blab

  16. Something that seems to have no definite shape
    A drop of liquid, especially ink, on the surface of something
    Loose talk or chatter; babbling; divulging of secrets
    A long pointed nose
    A pustule, blister, lesion that contains pus

  17. Voluptuous

  18. Sexually exploitative; using sex to indulge, secure favors
    Moderate and self-controlled as regards the indulgence of appetites or desires
    Indifferent to intellectual and moral interests
    Seduced or corrupted from duty or virtue
    Furnishing gratification of the senses

  19. Souse

  20. To drench with water
    To walk leisurely
    To idle away the day
    To wash one self
    To make broth